Monday, January 30, 2012

The Transition....

I thought I would post a little update on how things have been going. On Thursday we brought home 2 gorgeous little girls. We were told the infant was having long bouts of crying & was very difficult to feed, they reported she was very fussy when eating & took along time to finish a bottle. The toddler was reported to have some boundary & attachment issues. The very first night we realized the issue with the baby, she was HUNGRY. We went out & bought new bottles with heavy flow nipples & started her on cereal (she was eating 4 bottles a day of formula from slow flow nipples & no cereal or baby food). She has been happy as a clam since then! She sleeps 8-9 hours a night & can finish a bottle in 10 minutes! The toddler is doing very well. She will pretty much go to anyone. I think she has already learned she will get treated better by being sweet & friendly. She does have her moments of sadness or fits, but nothing that I would call an "attachment" issue. She is a child who is grieving her family & the losses she has known in her life. There has been lots of shopping going on around here. The girls didn't come with much as far as personal belongings so we have been trying to gather up everything from clothes, toys, bottles & a bumbo to a baby swing! We originally took the girls in as a respite situation until we were certain we wanted the placement to be permanent. We are sure, so our agency scheduled a hearing before the judge on Thursday to have us named their formal "foster to adopt" family. Since the girls do not have their parental rights terminated yet there is still a small risk something could go wrong. The trial date for the termination of parental rights is already scheduled for May & we are going to be holding our breath until then!