Friday, October 7, 2011

Home study time.....

Well, I know I have been kinda MIA lately so I thought I would post a little update. We are scheduled for our home study tomorrow morning. We have the same home study worker as last time, so that's nice. The other surprising thing is since we've already done one with their agency they only need to do one visit for an update to the one they already have. Hopefully we head to committee to get our home study approved & begin submitting on children by the end of the month. I will post a little update tomorrow after our visit just to give a heads up on exactly what happened. We have also been busy & had to postpone our home study because our little boy had his tonsils removed last Friday. This was his third surgery in 18 months & his second since June. I did research before hand to see how the recovery was from this surgery & I'm not sure if that was a curse or a blessing. On one hand I was prepared for the crying, vomiting & lack of eating, but I was also dreading it. As of the last couple days he is doing much better & is eating & drink a bit more. We are very excited to move on to the next leg of this journey & start submitting our home study for children! (The photo above is Tuck after we got home, he was feeling pretty good because the morphine from the hospital hadn't worn off yet).


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