Saturday, December 31, 2011

In The New Year...

I am so excited to be entering into a new year! The new year is a symbol of a fresh start & a new beginning. I'm looking forward to continuing to simplify our lives. Getting rid of the negative, unnecessary & excess is liberating & leaves me feeling so light. Focusing on the positive things in our lives like our family & kids is the goal for 2012. The older I get the more I'm grateful for never changing who I am or letting the opinions of others influence me, my relationships, my life or my heart. Surrounding yourself with people who accept you for who you are is what life is made of & I hope I continue to be able to instill this is my children. I hope to raise a child that is tolerant & kind even of those who's lives & beliefs he may not agree with or understand. Being grateful to God everyday for showing me how to purge my life of things that are toxic & move on to BETTER things is just one of my new years resolutions. I am excited to go into this year with wide eyes & an open heart for whatever it is that God has in store for me & our growing family. On a side note some blog changes for 2012, I love the way blogger lets us see who is reading our blogs. Its very interesting to see where everyone is located, how you got to my blog, etc so for now I am staying on Blogger. Because of how well the blog has been going I have recently acquired, which will link you back here to for now but in the future may host the main website as Blogger has limited hosting capabilities. I have also been busy getting a facebook page & other loose ends tied up for the site. I never thought the blog would do so well & I feel very blessed to be able to share the story of our journey & I love hearing from you guys about yours too. I hope it may bring some of you guys traveling this CRAZY road just a little bit of comfort knowing your story is just like ours. I know for me the last time we went through this, talking to other adoptive mommies kept me sane.