Monday, July 4, 2011

The File is complete..............

     An update on the process. Once we got the call about our application, there are still a few things to clear up before our file is complete to move forward. We have been busy the last month or so getting a few loose ends tied up & our son had surgery as well so things have been moving slowly. We both had to under go our FBI fingerprint & background checks. Our agency required us to pay this out of pocket, if your homestudy is approved they will then reimburse us the cost, about $48 each. We also had to do online medical consent training, get our pets shot records, as well as statements of health. The statements of health had to be written by our doctor. They basically say that we are healthy & able to raise a child. Our agency does not reimburse for this cost, so it is out of pocket. Our file is now complete to move forward to training. We are scheduled for our PRIDE training next month, along with 3 secondary training classes, we should be finished & heading into Homestudy by August. We have also been organizing the house to fit another child. The homestudy is an important time to prove your home is ready & able to welcome a child. We realized they want to see a child's room decorated and ready to go. With our last adoption we held out on decorating & buying things as we didn't know the sex or age of the child. I got advice from another Mommy a little further along in the process & she said we needed to decorate ASAP. Within a month of decorating the room (in a neutral theme) we got matched. I have also updated the blog format to show better on mobile devices. As I am new at this it took me a bit to figure that out. Oh, the pic above is our son from Halloween. His Daddy made this amazing costume & it was a crowd favorite!


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