Sunday, December 25, 2011
The Reason for the Season...
The Christmas seasons has always been one of my favorites. There is something about the lights, the trees, the family & the music that really gets to me. As I've gotten older the true impact of what this Holiday means has really hit home. Having brought Tuck home the week before Thanksgiving made the holidays so much sweeter. I hope our son has amazing warm memories of this time of year. Not necessarily about the gifts but of our amazing family & the support system that he has growing up. We aren't a perfect family by any means, we fight & annoy each other but that's a REAL family. I would rather argue it out & know our family is the real deal than to pretend to be something we will never be. I hope our son sees that we may not be perfect but we're in it together & for the long haul. Every year during this time I really worry for Tuck's 3 siblings & what their lives might be like now. Knowing that none of them were adopted, yet stayed in their biological families & then made their way to various friends & homes it makes me very worried knowing all the siblings are growing up without each other. I pray one day if our son meets them, they too knew a childhood filled with happiness & amazing holidays. Another thing that I try to remember during this time of year is the reason we have to celebrate. I don't know where I would be without the power of God in my life. He has never given me more than I could handle & looking back I am grateful for every rocky road he has made me weather. It has made me a better person, a better mother & has strengthened my relationship with my amazing husband. The power God has in our lives never ceases to amaze me. Though I am terrified for what the upcoming year could mean for our family & the rollarcoaster that awaits us,I know the path He has planned will lead us to where we are supposed to be. No one has ever said this journey was easy & I should know by know that it's true, but we're optimistic about what the future holds.