Monday, December 19, 2011
Its Official...
It is official, we got word today we are licensed & open for
placements. This is probably the most exciting part of the process,
minus actually having your match. There really isn't really going to be
much going on at this point except us apply for kids. Applying for kids
is basically when CPS has a child that needs a family they send out a
"broadcast" or a short bio of the child & their needs, to all the
agencies requesting families to be submitted. At this point our agency
looks & sees if the child meets our criteria, if they do they agency
forwards the broadcast on to us where we read the little bio &
decide if we want them to submit our home study. So at this point,
though its exciting there isn't going to much action, we pretty much
just hurry up & wait. I will try to post updates about how many
children we are applying for etc. Because of privacy I can't be very
specific but I will try & give an idea of what kind of traffic we
are seeing. Can I also just say I have a new found respect for foster
parents, because the paperwork & red tape in this process is insane.
(To be totally honest I have had this typed up & ready to post for
awhile!). The above photo is Tuck on Thanksgiving.