First I'll update on Delilah & the quarter! We ended up going in for her procedure the day before Christmas Eve, they did one last X-ray so the Dr. could see exactly where the quarter was for reference when he went in. After the x-ray we had to go to another area of the hospital for the actual procedure & turns out the quarter was totally gone & she had passed it! YAY!! What a great ending. We felt so blessed & relieved to have that done with! What a crazy story. Some of you guys may have noticed the blog was down for a little while. There are lots of things going on behind the scenes here & I really just wanted to take a break. I also took the blog down for privacy reasons & personal family reasons. I can't go into specifics, but the next few weeks will be a trying time for us, as a family. In other news, Everly celebrated her 4th birthday! Can you BELIEVE it? I can't! We took the kids to Schlitterbahn indoors & the kids had a great time! After we went to the Rainforest Cafe for lunch!

The kids also had an amazing Christmas. Chris was off the whole week after & it was amazing. We spent the 3 days before Christmas at my parents & left Christmas afternoon. We opened most of our presents at my parents house but saved some for home. We stayed bundled up all Christmas afternoon & evening opening presents & playing with all the new toys.
We also had a stay at home New Years Eve party. The kids had pizza, played with balloons,decorated cupcakes & drank "wine". They didn't make it to midnight, but that's OK! We didn't mind.
We have also spent the last 10 days passing around a very dangerous strand of the flu. 3/5 of us got it, but we were lucky & caught it early so it wasn't too bad. I've also been super busy with work. My sales are going great & I really couldn't ask for more! I have amazing customers that keep me busy & for that I am always so grateful!
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