Tonight our little boy Tuck, had his first little play at school. They did a little musical called A Barnyard MOOsical. He played a cow and it was very cute. After, we took the kids for ice cream & called it a night. I am a little bummed also, yesterday I sewed over a pin & my needle caught it just right that the pin V'ed & the whole thing locked up. I got it pulled apart & working, but is now having trouble sewing through thicker fabric (ruffles). It appears I now need to take it in to have it serviced. I'm not happy :( . I assume this is par for the course, I feel like it was a stupid mistake, but I thought it was safe to sew over pins? Well, at least it is under warranty. The nearest service provider for my warranty is about 30 minutes away though. I have orders I need to fill and I am stressed about having to use my old machine to get them done. I just don't know it like I do my new machine & it just isn't as easy to use. Keep your fingers crossed for me that it is repaired and back to me quickly! (the picture above is Tuck & Daddy on the first day of school this year).