Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Summer is coming!

   This week I started working part time, and coming home to sew the other half. It has been really nice! Though, I am now wishing I hadn't agreed to stay working through June. I am still selling dresses as fast as I can get them made. The way I've been doing it is sewing a sample, and posting it while I finish up the others of the same dress. I've had every dress sell out within hours. I'm feeling very blessed by this new opportunity & I've been working like crazy on building my customer base & clientele. I'm heading out this weekend to the Disney Outlet (alone with 3 kids) to get some shirts for the next couple of weeks worth of dresses. We have some BIG, BIG changes coming up also. This could change our whole lives, and our little one's lives in ways we can't imagine. We aren't ready to share just yet. We're stewing on our newest decisions and wanting to let it get a little closer before we spread the good news! The kids are all doing well. Tuck is ready for the summer, which is just 6 weeks away. Everly is as sassy as ever. I'll be happy when I'm home with her all the time. The daycare at my work hasn't been good for her. She manipulates the workers & its showing in her behavior there. I've tried to tell them, but they just won't listen. So, I guess I should just let them deal with the tantrums she throws since they give in to it. Lyla is growing so fast & becoming such a little lady! She isn't my baby anymore. I'm sad to see her grow so fast. In just 3 short months she will celebrate her 2nd birthday. The photo above is from her first birthday party.