Well....things aren't going quite as planned. We found out late last week that we are not going to be allowed to sign the waiver for reading the girls' redacted files. Apparently only relative or kinship placements are allowed to waive their rights to read the file. We have to wait for the file to come in. So at this point we are at a standstill until the file gets in & we can get down to the CPS office to read it. Everything else we need to complete has been done & everyone is waiting on the word that this has been completed, then we will sign our placement paperwork & our attorney will file the petitions. So, I guess its just a little more wait & see. All 3 kids are doing really well. They are looking forward to Halloween this week (well not D as much as Tuck & Sissy).The baby is finally old enough to really sit in the room with the bigger kids & play with what they're playing with & she is really happy about it! (The photo above is Tuck & Sissy, this is what happens late at night at Walmart).