much has been going on getting time to post updates is pretty much
impossible! I had finals for school, along with everything with the kids
its been crazy! The last 2 days have been so busy! That little guy
right there graduated from Kindergarten yesterday. He makes me so proud
every single day. He is such a free spirit & walks to the beat of
his own drum. I hope he never changes who he is for anyone. I try to
remember everyday that its a BLESSING to be a parent, not a job. He is a
gift to me from God, not my possession to try & control. I hope he
always knows I love him for who he is, regardless of his choices, and my
love is never conditional on him pleasing me. Then today was my wonderful husbands 31st Birthday. We've been together over 10 years and I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else! He still makes me laugh until I snort & is the best daddy I could imagine for our 3 kids. Speaking of our kids, everyone is doing really well. Tuck is turning into such a sweet brother. I catch him doing little things like holding Sissy's spare hand in the parking lot or brushing her hair for her after bath time. Sissy is doing well & is still making so much progress. She is becoming much more talkative, she has always talked REALLY well, but now she holds conversations & is more expressive. She is bonding well and is potty trained. Dee is doing good. She is nearly walking & is 10 1/2 months old already. We have court in 2 weeks for the trial to terminate parental rights & we are so ready! We have names picked out for the girls and just want our family to be final!