Well things have really been moving along! This past week we received quite a few broadcasts! We received 2 broadcasts we decided not to apply for, one was for a set of twin boys & another was a sibling set but the oldest child was well outside of age order at 6 1/2. We also submitted to take 2 little girls that would have been an emergency placement since the foster to adopt home they were in was closing, CPS decided on another family for them. We were super disappointed we weren't selected for these girls as we would have been bringing them home in a matter of days & it was very exciting! This kinda made us realize we ARE willing to do emergency placements, even though we said we wouldn't. Even though we have been through this before it never gets easier putting the future of your family in the hands of someone else. On a happier not we did submit on 2 infants that were legal risk placements. We also submitted on a toddler that was legally free. This is only the 3rd legally free child we have seen. So over all it was a very exciting week. We are coming up on what I think will be some slower weeks since our agency says they get the most broadcasts the middle 2 weeks of the month. I also am very impressed with our agency! They send us broadcasts even if they are for something we indicated we didn't want & give us the chance to make the decision for ourselves in that moment. I know some people may be annoyed by this but in this process we have SO little control over much of the project I would like to be able to make the final decisions, even if we indicated we didn't want a boy, I enjoy the option. The pic above was Tuck trying fried chicken for the first time. He loved it.