Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I'm alive...

I'm alive, I swear!! Sometimes weeks pass & I don't even realize I haven't blogged at all! Things have been pretty uneventful lately. The kids are all doing really well. We are currently still working on potty training Delilah. She is so hard headed & so stubborn. If she doesn't want to do something, she's just not going to do it! Slowly but surely she's getting there, and I'll be SOOO happy to have my last one out of diapers :)  . Tuck is doing really well in 2nd grade. He's had a couple of rough patches but his daddy has been cracking down & making him finish all uncompleted work on the evenings, then adding extra work for not doing it in class. This really seems to work for Tuck & I am VERY relieved that his grades are improving. His grades usually are comprised of 100's & 0's . If he does it he gets a perfect score, but there was lots of work he wasn't finishing at all. Ever has been quite the easy child lately. So often she gets lost in the mix because she's so easy & I hate that! She's so mild & well behaved often she just blends right in. I realized most of her negative behavior is for attention & that's our fault. We're really trying to make sure we are giving her the attention she needs, not just when she's in trouble.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The End of Summer....

  So many changes lately! Tuck went back to school recently, 2nd grade!! I can hardly believe it, he is growing so fast. I also went back to class full time, and its been quite an adjustment. Everyone is doing so well, and though we're sad the summer is over, we love the winter too! We hope to take the kids to see real snow this winter, and I love Halloween, while Chris loves Christmas. We went & spent this past weekend at my parents house on the lake & enjoyed some time on their boat. This was the first time we took the girls out & they loved it! Of course they did, they love the water park and swimming in general. Delilah is also getting over being sick. She has a nasty little cold that turned into a respiratory infection, but she is doing much better. We also had a very sad incident happen today. A local school where we live (and our children would go later), had an act of violence today that took the life of one student. Its always sad when violence occurs at a school, a place where children are supposed to be safe. Its even more devastating when that moment of anger and one STUPID decision takes the life of a child, and ruins the life of another. I just wish these children would know NOW, what they will realize when they are older. A fight is not worth throwing your life away, and taking the life of someone else.

My Momma & Granny having TOO much fun on the boat!

Delilah touching the waves with Daddy.

Only 2 of the kids made it into this shot, I tried.

Sick Delilah.