The girls have been home for 8 months now, it has gone by so fast but I can't even remember our life before them. We are just a few days away from the 90 day waiting period being over. This upcoming week the 90 day period for family members to appeal will be over & the girls will be completely & forever legally free for adoption. We are so relieved, excited, relieved, overjoyed, did I say relieved? This is the point where we can see the finish line, and we are in the final push. We got moved to the DFPS adoption unit & the girls have an "adoption" worker. They have requested the girls deidentified files & we are negotiating subsidy (there really isn't any negotiating, its a set package in Texas), the most notable part of the state subsidy is free college tuition at any public Texas university. The girls automatically qualify for subsidy because they are a sibling group. We also are lining up our attorney & getting the adoption paperwork ready to file. The hardest part of that is settling on names. We have 2 names picked & are pretty set, but its such a big decision! A couple of weeks ago we went back to court to the judge an update. For the first time I was allowed to speak at the hearing. She asked how the girls are doing, whether we plan to adopt or not as well as some basic questions. Now we are just counting the days & waiting some more! (The picture above is from last Sunday, I took Tuck out for brunch at The Cheesecake Factory & for a little shopping. The picture below is him inside Abercrombie for kids, he was very excited that he is finally big enough to shop there!).